Apply to Host

Community leaders interested in hosting ranked events tied to the Devon Series and leaderboard may apply using the form below. We are currently accepting applications for The Devon Series Season 2. All Season 1 applications and approvals have been grandfathered in for Season 2.

Application for Devon Affiliation

In so applying to become a Devon Affiliate, you hereby agree to abide by all Devon Series rules.

Upholding the Rules

Devon Corporation monitors the state of the game, trainer feedback and requests, and issues with the tournament hosting platform to ensure that trainer matches remain as fair as possible. If you have questions and/or find typos within our documentation, don’t hesitate to reach out to us on our Contact Form and/or Discord and notify us of your concerns. Our rules are linked below:

Choosing your Event

Devon Corporation events can be hosted remotely or in-person and Community Leads may choose either the Swiss or Round Robin bracket format. Swiss events are capped at 128 trainers, while Round Robin events are capped at 8. Ranked Round Robin events require a minimum of 4 trainers, while Ranked Swiss events must have a minimum of 8 trainers. There are three types of events that community leaders can host:

– Practice Events
– Ranked In-Person Events
– Ranked Remote Events

Remote events are defined as any event that contains at least 1 trainer who is participating remotely.

Devon Corporation