Earning Rank

How is the Leaderboard built?

[UPDATE: This is an archive, not a current post. If you are looking for the current guidelines for Season 2+, please navigate to this post instead.]

The Devon Corporation leaderboard is comprised primarily of three predictor variables and one outcome variable that are designed to measure a trainer’s prowess in the battle arena.

  • Raw Score (high importance)
    An initial raw score is calculated by treating each match win as 1 point. Your best 15 rounds are concatenated into an array, however, controls are in place to ensure that both quantity and quality are assessed fairly. That is, you might have earned 15 round wins, but did it take you 16 total rounds to get those wins or 100 total rounds? To optimize your trainer ranking, you want to try to win 15 rounds each month in the least amount of rounds as possible. However, that’s certainly not all that matters and failing to do that can be offset by maintaining a consistent and positive win/loss ratio and/or performing decent or better against top tier competition. Remember, both participation and performance drive your score in the final outcome variable, global rank. But when measuring wins and raw score alone, efforts must be taken to ensure that trainers cannot inflate their rankings by slowly stacking more and more wins despite either a low win rate or mid-tier competition.
    • 17 total rounds = Each win is worth 0.95 and each loss is worth -1.05.
    • 18 total rounds = Each win is worth 0.90 and each loss is worth -1.10.
    • 19 total rounds = Each win is worth 0.85 and each loss is worth -1.15.
    • 20 total rounds = Each win is worth 0.80 and each loss is worth -1.20.
    • 21 total rounds (or more) = Each win is worth 0.75 and each loss is worth -1.25.
  • Threat Score (medium importance)
    As the season progressed, more successful trainers slowly emerged. After the first Cup forward, trainers who beat more upper tier opponents received a boost in their rankings. Trainers who won a lot against trainers who completed few rounds and/or had low rank, earned less than those who beat trainers with more rounds and/or higher rank. The threat, or level of stackedness of the competition you face, is a very important variable. Someone who sweeps their local seven round Round Robin, with all new players, should probably not earn as much rank as someone who goes 4-3 against the world’s best. Measuring this, however, is not easy … and the measure of someone’s difficulty level changes dynamically throughout the season. Despite the difficulties though, by the time the season completes and a healthy sample of tournaments, rounds, and battles have been completed, measuring talent and controlling for competition against those talented trainers … becomes a far easier task. And nothing is stopping those locals, in the example above, from participating in more rounds and beating higher levels of competition, thus altering the manner in which they impact the distribution and thereby adding value to the trainer who swept.
  • Spice Score (lesser importance)
    Your spice heat level and spice class are measures of the rarity of your Pokemon choices. That is, how common or uncommon were those choices relative to the population? Your spice classification, or level of heat, is assigned independently of your ranking score. Spice does not discriminate and there are trainers across the ranking spectrum that used spicy picks to mixed success. With that said, we do also recognize that trainers who perform well and also use spicy picks, deserve a small reward. Therefore, we do add a slight boost to a trainer’s raw score if they performed well and also leveraged uncommonly used Pokemon. Remember though, the spice classes only measure the spice, or the hotness of your picks, and they are ranked in order of the most spicy to the least:
    • 1️⃣ Habanero
    • 2️⃣ Cayenne
    • 3️⃣ Serrano
    • 4️⃣ Guajillo
    • 5️⃣ Bell Peppers
  • Global Rank (combined performance measure)
    At the end, we take your threat score, match score, and spice contribution and combine them into a final global score that reflects your ability. Those scores are then tiered as follows in descending order of rank:
    • 1️⃣ Legendary Trainer
    • 2️⃣ Elite Trainer
    • 3️⃣ Ace Trainer
    • 4️⃣ Gym Trainer
    • 5️⃣ Novice Trainer

We eventually plan on leveraging player profiles, demographics, pfps, icons/colors, and much more for next Season. However, for our first season, our primary goal is ranking integrity. If you have questions or suggestions about the leaderboard, please reach out to us on Discord.