Devon Series – Season 1 Archive

For Season 1, the Devon Series will utilize the Dracoviz hosting platform for submitting battle parties and running the tournament bracket, whether Swiss or Round Robin. The Dracoviz team is busy preparing a leaderboard that will leverage an ELO system for assessing trainer skill. For the initial release, the following shall hold true:

Larger tournaments will contribute more to your individual rank.
Participating in more tournaments will contribute more to your rank.
Beating higher ranked players will contribute more to your rank.

Devon Corporation is keenly interested in exploring controls for the leaderboard that will account for quality over quantity. We shall continue to investigate weighting scales, caps on qualifying rounds/events, and the ability to export tournament data. These types of features are important for Devon Corporation and for our user base, but they take time to develop. We will continue to provide updates to our community if/when these features become active.