By CLeonardo77
– Restricted picks, if/when used, must be entered in Slots 1/2 on Dracoviz
– Shadow Galarian Weezing is eligible as a restricted pick
– Leavanny, which got the Community Day at the beginning of October, is not allowed

⚰️ Delve into the Crypt and ARISE to victory! ⚰️
Welcome, Pokémon Trainers, to the start of SEASON 2 of the Devon Corporation Solo Series! Prove your prowess in monthly rotating metas and put your name on our leaderboard for World Championship glory, to immortalize yourself in the Devon Hall Of Fame!
The Crypt Cup meta went live October 1st, featuring a unique mix of fairy, ghost, ground, and bug type Pokémon. Additionally, some special species are allowed to join the fray, while others are banned to keep the competition fierce yet balanced.
Our Rationale
The Crypt meta is designed to challenge trainers with a diverse and strategic selection of Pokémon. By focusing on fairy, ghost, ground, and bug types, we aim to create a dynamic environment where different strategies can thrive. Our main idea was to feature some new Pokémon that were positively affected by the recent move update, specifically Mud Slap, Astonish, Poison Sting, and Fairy Wind users.
Typing and Pokémon
- Fairy Types: Fairy Pokémon are known for their strong offensive capabilities and their diverse coverage. Including fairy types in the Crypt meta encourages the use of Pokémon that can withstand powerful attacks and provide support to their team.
- Ghost Types: Ghost Pokémon bring unique resistances and immunities, but also high neutral damage in many match-ups. This adds an element of unpredictability and requires trainers to think carefully about their team composition and move sets to counter these spectral opponents.
- Ground Types: Ground Pokémon offer solid coverage against a variety of types, including poison and bug. Their inclusion ensures that teams can have strong offensive options and can handle a range of threats effectively.
- Bug Types: Bug Pokémon add an element of unpredictability and versatility. They often have access to moves that can reduce opponents’ strategies, or that quickly hit for good damage. This makes them valuable assets in a well-rounded team.
Additional Allowed Species
The inclusion of specific allowed species, or “Air Drops,” like Amoonguss, Cacturne, Jellicent, Lapras, Magmar, Magmortar, Alolan Marowak, Vespiquen, Ninjask, and Yanma adds depth to team-building. These Pokémon were chosen for their unique abilities and roles they can play in a team:
- Amoonguss: Known for its bulk and access to a Ghost fast move, Amoonguss can serve as a defensive pivot and steady damage inflictor.
- Cacturne: With its unique typing and access to powerful moves, Cacturne can surprise opponents and provide offensive pressure.
- Jellicent: As a bulky water/ghost type, Jellicent offers great defensive utility and can act as a reliable special wall.
- Lapras: Lapras brings bulk and versatility with its water/ice typing, making it a strong contender in various matchups.
- Magmar and Magmortar: These fire types add offensive power and can handle many of the bug and fairy types in the meta.
- Alolan Marowak: With its ghost/fire typing, Alolan Marowak provides unique coverage and strong offensive capabilities.
- Vespiquen: Known for its defensive prowess and access to moves like Power Gem, Vespiquen can be a tough opponent to crack.
- Ninjask and Yanma: These bug types offer speed and the ability to inflict super effective damage to, or take resisted damage from many Pokémon.
Bans and Restrictions
To maintain balance and ensure a competitive environment, we have implemented several bans and restrictions:
- Type Bans: Flying, Normal, Steel, Water, and Fire types are banned to prevent certain dominant strategies and to encourage the use of the featured types. This helps create a more diverse and interesting meta.
- Species Bans: Specific species like Carbink, Clodsire, Alolan Ninetales, Whimsicott, and Leavanny are banned due to their potential to dominate the meta. These bans help ensure no single Pokémon can overshadow others and keep the competition fair.
- Move Restrictions: The fast move Charm is banned to prevent overpowering strategies that rely heavily on this move’s high damage output. This encourages trainers to explore other move options and strategies.
- Restricted List: Trainers can only select two Pokémon from a restricted list, which includes powerful options like Lokix, Sableye, Galarian Weezing, Alolan Marowak, Runerigus, Lapras, Jellicent, and Vespiquen. This ensures that while strong Pokémon are available, teams cannot be overly reliant on them, promoting variety in team compositions.
By carefully selecting the allowed types and species, and implementing strategic bans and restrictions, we aim to create a balanced and engaging meta that challenges trainers to think creatively and adapt their strategies.
Final Thoughts
We are excited to see how trainers adapt to the Crypt meta and what innovative strategies emerge. This season promises to be thrilling with its unique challenges and opportunities for creative team-building. Stay tuned for more updates, including Devon’s Season 2 Roadmap, tips on gaining rank on the Devon Leaderboards, and suggested team-building ideas.