Devon Series

Update: This information is in draft and under final review by Devon personnel. We have an expected go-live date of September 4th, 2024 at the moment.

For Season 2, the Devon Series will utilize the Dracoviz hosting platform for submitting battle parties and running the tournament bracket, whether Swiss or Round Robin. The Dracoviz account is what you use to see the bracket, your opponents’ parties, and the round timer. Once your Dracoviz account is created, you then need to create your Devon Profile. Your profile provides Devon the means of verify your identity for ranked play. It also gives Devon the ability to associate demographic information for you on our leaderboard. Tournament Organizers host both ranked and practice events. When you participate in ranked events for Season 2, the rank will be accumulated as follows:

  • Raw Score: Up to 15 round wins per month that count towards your rank. Exceeding 15 rounds will negatively impact your rank according to tiered penalties. Penalty rates are subject to refinement each month. These penalties lower the worth of your wins and increase the damage caused by losses. The penalties ensure that trainers cannot simply increase participation in order to increase their rank. They strike a balance between quality and quantity. The round caps for the penalty tiers are as follows:
    • 16 total rounds; no penalty
    • 17 total rounds; tier 1 penalty
    • 18 total rounds; tier 2 penalty
    • 19 total rounds; tier 3 penalty
    • 20 total rounds; tier 4 penalty
    • 21 total rounds or more; tier 5 penalty
  • Threat Score: Participating in events with higher ranked trainers will positively impact your rank more than participating in events with lower ranked trainers.
  • Spice Score: Running Pokémon not common in the meta (and still winning rounds) will modestly improve your rank. We also provide a separate spice metric that measures uniqueness only.
  • Round Participation: For Season 2, trainers will be required to participate in a minimum of 24 total rounds in order to qualify for Worlds. This number is roughly 3 rounds per month/meta, which is the minimum number of rounds required for ranked play.
  • Meta Participation: For Season 2, trainers will be required to participate in 75% or more of our metas in order to qualify for Worlds. We don’t want trainers who take a month off to be immediately disqualified, however, we also recognize that you must participate in order to qualify for Worlds.
  • Leaving Early: When trainers leave a tournament early, only the rounds they played in are counted against their total round cap, however, each win counts less and each loss hurts more than if you had stayed in.
  • Completing a Tournament: Completing a tournament is no small task! Trainers who complete an entire tournament are given full worth for their wins and the least amount of damage for their losses.
  • Discretion to Adjust: The Devon Corporation Ranking Personnel reserve the right to adjust ranking system, including adjustments made during mid-season, in order to ensure the ranking system is implemented with validity and integrity. When/if this clause is leveraged, there will be a formal announcement which includes the rationale behind the decision.

These are the steps we’ve taken to ensure our ranking system accurately measures a trainer’s skill level at PvP. It’s important to note that no ranking system, including our own, is perfect in how it calculates and determines rank. However, it’s Devon Corporation’s belief that our ranking system above strikes a good balance between quality and quantity of play, while understanding the transactional and technical limitations present in the underlying data.

We do want to remind our participating community that we welcome volunteers and contributions. If you are interested in developing for Devon – whether leaderboard/rank or otherwise – please see our Call for Developers.

Devon Corporation