Genetic Cup Validation Tools

Validation Tooling

We are pleased to announce that Devon has developed an official Genetic Cup party validation tool. Please navigate to the link provided below and select “File / Make a copy.” Once that’s done, the tool is pretty straightforward. It will provide red shading for invalid entries and green shading if they are all valid. Yellow boxes will indicate which areas need to be changed.

1️⃣ Genetic Cup Validator (Devon)

In addition to our in-house validator, one of our community contributors, JamieTK, also developed a validator that includes a visual graphic of eligible Pokemon beneath each family. Similarly, when using this tool, you should navigate to the link below and select “File / Make a copy.” Once that’s done, the tool is also straightforward and will provide pop-up prompts if/when eligibility mistakes are made.

2️⃣ Genetic Cup Validator (JamieTK):

It is important to note that our meta development team used the initial mono-typings and inter-relational logic between Parents, Children, and Mutants in order to develop an Approved List (pdf or csv+). Not every Pokemon that theoretically could be included is permitted. Some babies, lower CP Stage 1, regionals, rare picks, and/or Legendary/Mythical choices may have been left out and/or removed for distribution health. Please refer to the lists above for what is and is not permitted in Genetic Cup.

Lastly, we would like to remind trainers that the responsibility for submitting a valid party rests with the trainer. The responsibility for enforcing tournament integrity if/when mistakes happen rests with the Tournament Hosts. Please refer to How to Run a Tournament for guidance for TOs and trainers on how to handle mistakes specific to Genetic Cup.