By CLeonardo77
Pillar Meta: December 2024 – January 2025
Greetings, Trainers!
As we approach the end of the year, it’s time to introduce a new meta for our community to dive into. We’re excited to unveil the Pillar Meta, designed to provide a solid foundation for competitive play with some of the most reliable and versatile picks in the Great League.

Why “Pillar”?
The name “Pillar” comes from the idea of having a strong, load-bearing set of choices that you can build your team around. These Pokémon are not only staples in the Great League meta but also ones that many players are comfortable with and can rely on in various matchups.
Meta Explanation
The Pillar Meta will run from December 2024 through January 2025. During this period, you’ll be able to select six Pokémon from a carefully curated list that ensures a balanced and competitive experience. This meta aims to encourage strategic thinking and team-building, allowing players to showcase their skills and adaptability.
Allowed Pokémon:
Bug: Forretress, Lokix, Golisopod, Ariados, Leavanny, Scizor, Beedrill
Dark: Malamar, Sableye, Raticate (Alolan), Qwilfish (Hisuian)
Dragon: Goodra, Arctibax, Altaria, Dragapult
Fighting: Sneasler, Sneasel (Hisuian), Mienshao
Fire: Marowak (Alolan), Typhlosion, Rapidash, Magmar, Magmortar
Ghost: Spiritomb, Trevenant, Froslass
Grass: Jumpluff, Sceptile
Ground: Stunfisk (Unovan), Runerigus, Hippowdon, Gligar, Flygon, Gliscor, Sandslash
Ice: Regice, Walrein, Lapras, Sealeo, Aurorus
Normal: Lickilicky, Miltank, Ursaring, Noctowl, Pidgeot, Furfrou, Furret, Greedent, Zangoose, Bewear, Diggersby, Bibarel
Poison: Clodsire, Weezing (Galarian), Drapion, Swalot, Nidoqueen, Nidoking
Psychic: Cresselia, Rapidash (Galarian), Victini
Rock: Regirock, Cradily, Lunatone, Solrock
Water: Azumarill, Feraligatr, Castform (Rainy), Qwilfish, Tapu Fini, Empoleon, Samurott, Pelipper, Politoed, Jellicent, Gyarados, Seaking, Poliwhirl, Starmie
Key Features:
- Shadow Pokémon Allowed: To add an extra layer of strategy, Shadow variants of the allowed Pokémon are also permitted. This opens up unique opportunities for more aggressive or defensive playstyles.
Tips and Strategies
When building your team for the Pillar Meta, consider the following:
- Balanced Team Composition: Make sure to cover a variety of roles such as leads, safe swaps, and closers. This will give you flexibility in handling different team matchups.
- Meta Staples: Utilize Pokémon that you are comfortable with and that have proven their worth in previous metas. Familiarity can be a key advantage.
- Shadow Variants: Experiment with Shadow Pokémon to see if they can bring a new edge to your strategy. Their increased damage output might just turn the tide in your favor.
Closing Remarks
We hope you’re as excited about the Pillar Meta as we are. This meta is all about building strong foundations and leveraging the power of some of the most dependable Pokémon in the Great League. Get ready to test your skills, adapt your strategies, and compete for glory!
Remember to join our official Discord for more discussions and updates. Let the battles begin!
Best of luck, Trainers!
Devon Corporation